Fanuc robot won t home. menu_> setup-> Prog Select.

Fanuc robot won t home There are no movement instructions in the macro. FNCT -> ABORT ALL to clear all programs from the call stack. They are all described in the manuals and on this forum. I what to start the robot with "Start" if the robot wasn't moved (I use the Jogged parameter for this) and if is the same program selected. I am using PNS and UOP metod. What? No, don't run away! So, I've been asking a lot of questions about user interfaces on R30iBs lately. These are signals you can use to control the robot (start, reset, select program , hold . But now I would like to drive this To stop the robot, hold the stop signal on with the PLC until UO[program running] is off to confirm the robot has ended its program. A is the live tool driver, and T is the turret. Seems like in the case of a shutdown, we will be shutting down all power to the systems. I have old ARCMATE 120iL with RJ2 controller and ARCTOOL software. Check that the IO Config is correct. This will only work if none of the motors have been removed. I haven't use "return to home position program" or macro program. Once i send a PNS Strobe pulse Please can you tell me the controller and robot; but 10 times out of 10 - before you see any power to servo's, the purge module needs satisfy two things: pressure and flow And before you start purge; if you do not see pressure switches made, you are wasting your time I have a Fanuc robot M-10iA with an I Pendant type AO5B-2518-C202 #EMH that doesn't want to move. hi, i have tried what cobenson said. Etc. The message template also doesn't seem to match, so this may not be correct. 33. Our Field Normally remastering on a commissioned robot is no big deal and all the programs will work as expected with the new mastering, however the counts probably won't be equal to what is on the master count sheet supplied with the robot, and you should scratch out these numbers replacing them with the new master counts for the next guy. I really need to hit a homerun here. On cell outputs there is a signal "program aborted" but doesn't work. We unplugged the TP from the cable and linked it with our R30iA TP cable, and the pendant works. Fanuc controls only. CMDEnable, SYSRDY = 1 as feedback from robot. anyways, we have to go get a jig with gauges and set it into a fixture. We are not able to go past that screen. Make a little program that goes to all the calculated positions FANUC ROBOTS. My problem is related to the I/O comments. 13 Is there any way that i can open the backup on a older version? :icon_rolleyes: The Software Update steps in the Startup Guide said to do this via iRProgrammer, but after talking to FANUC Support, updating the software from the factory version doesn't work that way. if not have you tried changing the powerwave 455 out. However,some system variables are not accessible to KAREL programs. We mastered several times and the issue won’t go away, we also replaced the same motor couple times and nothing. 20P/22 The newest version of roboguide that i have is V8. Dear All, I need help with syst_008 "Nothing is the Master Device" alarm when I try to cycle start. I'm thinking it's because my program is still paused, but I can't find an option to deselect it. 3. The problem I am running into is we are unable to move the robot (besides return home point) because its not masteted/calibrated. Point I/O. Power on the control pressing letter (P) and the cancel (CAN) key and keep them depressed until the CRT Display comes up plus an additional 5 seconds. The day before it was 9 welders, 2 FANUC robots, a conveyor, camera, operator load station with it's own welder the robot doesn't access, a reject station and cart and 2 safety gates. So far I am suspicious of a problem with the graphics module. I keep doing deadman + shift + jog keys but nothing happens, if I do just the jog key or the jog keys + the deadman switch, the robot says "press shift to jog. Guest. IMSTP,HOLD,SFSPD,Enable = 1, all the remote condition fulfilled. to start the new project from scratch, the controller is a R-30iB the robot is a M-20iA any help is When the machine first hits the home dog it should slow down (to zeroing speed as stated by machtool). all good so far, but in the second axis the Good evening! We are still down with this SUPERMAX-50 with a problem at the controller 18M that will not start. The HOME position is contained in Reference Position menu. Y axis will overtravel every time when Check the robot's motion limits in the Gantry group and Axis 3. ) from a PLC. I don't know if this is a system I have a fanuc arcmate 100i with a RJ3 controller. WHO WE ARE. No alarm show in TP panel. At this point you should be able to see the robot from the PC browser, after typing its IP into the address bar. Hello guys. EES's are running through a safety relay that turn on force guided relays, and monitors them as well. All the lights are green on the pendant, EXCEPT the Busy and Run. Move the robot to zero or to a position to enable the robot to be repaired. Example: after an emergency stop or sensor missing and operator goes inside the cell to check the sensor. Hey Guys, I have a LR-Mate 200iD that is a R-30iA controller. I found an old IBM Think pad with the KFloppy program and a cable for transferring data but have not been able to connect to robot thru the RS232 port. " If I do shift + jog keys, I get hold deadman to jog. I did not want to use HOLD because the UOPs are controlled by a separate FB in the PLC, but the speed is controlled by a slider on the HMI. I can get the hand to work, but not the grippers. This should occur within 1 rev of the motor max. ME andy. Hi all, I have project where I should do simple program with Fanuc LR Mate 200iB/3L robot, R-J3iB Mate controller and A05B-2301-C335 teach pedant. We are changing the gripper and I need to add some signals. Sponsored Ads. Attached you will find pictures. Recent Activities; Users Online; Team Members RJ2 ArcMAte 100i won’t start-_-val-_-November 25, 2021 at 9:11 PM Roboguide keeps breaking on our computers (can't create a second robot) dohlfhauldhagen; March 9, 2017 at 4:31 PM; Fanuc Robot Forum; start up in progress. If the fence is opened the robot goes to controled stop mode, but say an operator loads Hello everybody, I am pretty new to Industrial Robots (6 months working in this field) and I am currently working on a Robotic Milling plant for Foundry with a Fanuc M900iB400L. When the fence circuit is closed and power on reset, I wait 500 msec then pulse the robot reset. I have the pneumatic lines hooked up ports RO1 and RO2. 2. The problem is that the line Toggling Robot Outputs:-Menu-5-TYPE-ROBOT-OUPUTS-Toggle them one at a time to find out which Output number did you use for your gripper. I’ve used the same process when getting another one of our robots up and going but this particular system won’t boot passed the Boot screen holding PREV and NEXT buttons. It will take I would recommend getting Easy Debug (right click the robot with the robot at home and select Easy Debug, you might need to fault the robot or hold the line depending on how old your Yesterday I get two error working with robot. I'm Driving the robot, but every time I let go of shift, I have to reset the fault first. DIY-Robotics (Help Center) Community; Troubleshooting — FANUC; Answered INTP-105 PROG-040 Already locked by other task Follow. What needs to happen from the robot program or background logic. The I/O card is also set up in the Ethernet I/O and is communicating over the private network. I hooked one up and after using this group to get thru the Hello, I have a SRVO-371 chain fault that will not clear after: Replaced panel board, both estop boards, removed all external interfaces and installed jumper plugs, replaced wiring harness between panel board and keyswitch board, replaced keyswitch What doesn't make sense is that this Routine is the first thing that runs just after a few lines that resets some temporary variables, so there shouldn't be anything different when I run this after hitting Abort All, but network communications don't always make sense. The verification on the real robot will be done next week. Anyway, I used personality 1 on the delivered USB stick and the S/W Serial No. LS Files from it that work. Looked at a number of threads already and here is what i have tried. Any suggestions. This is Minimum Wrist Rotation. i Do but still nothing. It stays on line 1. From what I am reading of this posts. DEMO VIDEO. Then you press menu, 0, 6, press F1 (type) and select Master/cal. January 12, 2015 at 11:31 PM The reason behind this is that all of my programs start and stop at home position, so if for example my user frame is FUT 1,0,0 and my home position NUT 0,0,0, then the robot will start from a NUT 0,0,0 config, proceed to a program on a frame with different configuration which means a lot of unecessary posture changes and rotations then return Hey there, ive been using my teach pendant and in the cell with the robot watching it weld for a while so today I created a simple program and had tried to put the robot in AUTO to see it weld on its own without me holding the deadman for onceThis is a fanuc Arcmate 100ic robot with a Lincoln R350 powerwave welder. It is set up with a 2 station turn table with a wall divider in the middle. I doubt that is of much help, seeing as ATPASWRD is a Fanuc supplied program. And i can't jog any motor so i can't reset SRVO-075. Press the menu button on the teach pendant, and Here is a program flow that I use to recover a 2000iB 210F that replaces 400lb pallets on our line to and from storage racks: 1. Showed a bunch of fssb errors, cycled power and they went away and now the fault signal is red on the TP, robot won't move and at the top of the screen it says Please power off if you want to recover. I have read that with he R-30iB controller you have to use port 2 for Ethernet IP. - If this is a remote connection, the firewall on the robot site may block the connection and only their IT department will help. Pc and Robot are on the same How did you declare/define this PR[ ]? Sometimes in Karel you may have some problems if you do not inform the complete PR[ ] info (XYZ position, RPW orientation and configuration). I know for IMSTP, SFSPD, and Enable, all these 3 signals need to be "on" for robot to run. I have to confirm that the cable is the same on gen 6 and gen 7. I have the controller in Auto, tech pendant is off, reset, not alarm. They have permanently defined variable names, that begin with a dollar sign ($). Hello, I'm student working on my projects for school, but recently i have run into some troubles with Roboguide (HandlingPRO), i'm not able to load 1. The robot and machine errored out due to a tool catching in the pallet during the cycle, I managed to bring the robot back to it’s approximate home/perch position but can’t home it as it says it requires the machine to be homed first. C1) I cannot get it to START - after DEFINE - If I get a call about an issue with a robot I usually look there first in a robot's backup to get a good overview of the robot; IO config, options installed, software version, etc. Second, make sure your robot has the ASCII program loader (or upload, on older controllers) option. hello to everyone, in one of my applications i confront the following problem: when my m410ib-450 is stopped and waiting for the next instruction to move after some time, the mechanical brakes are engaged. As the attachment show, karel doesn't support any of variables. We use SprutCAM to generate Toolpaths, and we get . If robot does not see these signals on, it will not run. Turned a robot on yesterday after having it shut off for a few months. I have the TP on and the controller switched and I go to the wait instruction and I can’t arrow over to highlight it or anything. Start is starting the robot program. is there another way? On every Fanuc robot I have ever worked on it won't allow you to enter a number that is beyond the max motion range of the robot, and if you try it will have a pop-up window that will tell you the maximum limit. What quick master does is apply that reference to a postion, say zero, that way once a pulse is reestablished the robot can calculate the offset and recover it's mastering. I don't know if its possible that it could cause this problem, but check the RACK/SLOT/START number in the IO Config. OUR TEAM. Yet, I get a MCTL-003 alarm and the robot arm will not move. i can not get into controlled start or cold start. But it also needs to be cheap, Home. There is a key file that has the PAC codes for the options to be installed. Someone may be running it trying to get the robot home. We have an issue with a Fanuc S-10 Robot where it is not travelling straight in any of the horizontal axis, this behavior started after replacing a servo for a vertical axis which is weird. That would be a problem for Using a Fanuc r2000ib 210F with a R-30iA controller (handling software) When the robot gets a E-Stop from teh PLC it stoppes, shakes a lot (and therefore can cause damage to some equipment) Is there a way to manipulate the bahaviour when an external E-Stop is received. It would seem that all I need to do is install a new SOP and Let FANUC go home position (which means if FANUC is in home position, system can be started again from zero) and wait for main start. I found these to be very reliable timings. Our Fanuc R30iA doesn't have enough space to load all Files at once, so I'd like to load each file, run it, delete it and load the next one. Have read the fanuc documentation for 'Cimplicity HMI' and didn't find a possibilty to start a program on the robot from HMI. FANUC ROBOTS. I'm not sure if thats possible on a real robot Argument registers work only one layer deep. If you do have it, it won't hurt to delete it. - If your OS is 64 bit, use 32-bit Internet Explorer from Program Files (x86) folder. Since the external E stop uses a Normally I've been testing some programming on an M-6iA/R-J3iB, and this morning I wired an E-STOP button into the fence input connections of the robot. When you fall off the back ramp the systems starts looking for the zero pulse from the encoder. I have these tied to my plc and use logic to turn off. It appear when I try to move to HOME pushing SHIFT+H. When I get the estop, the relays are turning off, but as I said I am running a Hwacheon Ecomil 65V with Fanuc 18M controller. I had 6 SRVO-062 alarms. EDIT: I just saw you use 2 robots in your workcell. I reached out to them and they asked me to check the version of the core media that I have. e. Enable the robot: IMSTP, SFSPD, ENABLE, REMOTE_ON, HOLD have to be set to TRUE. One: "you can't monitor the program because it's really running a macro that calls up the programs" and two: " there is a bug in that old style software" Number one is the reason why i couldn't Hello all, Due to Covid-19 my company is facing the possibility of site shutdown. It's a free software option and it doesn't flip the wrist to match the configuration of the Joint position. They are yellow. With the robot and pendant both in T1 the deadman switch alarm does not come on. It only works on a robot with brakes or if it doesn't have brakes you will need to move the robot to a position where no axis can move. Edit: the manual is for R-30iA, just noticed that you mentioned R-J3. The robot won't be used by qualified worker but by students. While performing a test run of a program, I encountered an Overtravel alarm in the -X direction. I have DIs mapped to the UIs. Ensure that they are properly configured and within the limits of the robot's physical capabilities. Have Fanuc with FTP interface - both on local subnet and can ping each other When I try to create a robot client (i. It had charge and was good. It appears that all hardware is available in the slave cabinet except the SOP. This happened a few times (and also the controller will lose . If it doesn't have that, you will have to compile the programs in roboguide. [FANUC 7D80/B2] I am more familiar with UI/UOs since this is how I sent auto calls to Fanuc via comm. I tried hitting reset but the I don't know how to do the simulation with a PLC, so I'm forcing the signal (DO), if I force this signal to ON, one of the robots stops because this digital output is assigned to an NSI, and this NSI is assigned to a SIR wich is the signal who disabled CPC (Disabling input), the robot doesn't move if the disabling input is OFF, the problem I'm sure i won't explain this very well, but we are doing a test cell. All it says is it's trying to load OS from ethernet i attached a photo for Looking over my backups and trying to figure out where the program call type (rsr,pns,style, other) are stored/logged and in which file is this info stored in, does anyone know which file that info is in? Also looking over section 5. Fanuc is very serious about their software and piracy. It's the arc mate 100 R-j thanks again and yes servo -007 alarm won't go away Without having much experience in Fanuc specifically, but electrically: 1. Hello everyone, I am trying to make the calibration settings for iRVision for a robot mounting camera. I have a robot cell that the they by passed all e stops to get the robot moving ( but I woyld differ ) now the robot that was in bzal 062 resolved and mastered the machine won't cycle if have to manually press the power button in and hold it to rotate the table . Macro Programs:-Write two simple programs (MACRO) that toggle those outputs, one for closing the gripper and one for opening the gripper(you can always use complimentary) Assign the macro:-MENU-6-F1-MACRO- Hello all. I have a PAC code from fanuc and it authorizes, but won't install. 5 of my Handling I am using a ARC Mate 120i with a R-J3 weld controller. The problem started suddenly after a boot, in which the pendant works fine for everything except when I turn on the pendant. pod file either. But non of them include any information about parameters and what they mean and how to work with them. The solution is normally simple: Traverse in the opposite direction and reset to solve the problem. Robot was bought used but pretty new (less than 1000 hours). Turn the control power off. 40, so the controller is a different generation. The backup will just fail when it reaches that file. I don't know what it was but we reboot the robot with it's factory setting and now it looks okay. I got a problem in which our fanuc robot (a M-170 with an RJ3 controller) got its jogging "disabled". it souldnt be your arc enabled di because if its not set up then its defaulted to be on constantly so that shouldn't be an issue. The machine builder doesn't want the expense of running the cabling or increasing the size of the switch. It's mounted in a CNC-machine and it's almost like the machine is waiting for a signal or something from the robot? But I can't see what it's waiting on either. I found that could because of the battery. They only way I’ve found to fix it is temporary and I have to do it each DEC code. We located and tested if the battery is dead. INTEGRATORS; ABOUT . higher pressure, lower pressure, and flow of air. Remedy: Go to This video will show the process for resetting you home locations on your cnc machines if your using a Fanuc interface. Recent Activities; Users Online; Team Members; Search Members; Software and Tools for Fanuc Robots (you should look here first before posting) to forum Fanuc Robot Forum. I think it is old GM I have some manuals from Fanuc training I have been to. I am trying to open a backup from a R-2000iC/210F robot , version V8. I know there is a way to get rid of this extra step, where do I go to change this ? good afternoon I have a service on a used robot that must be reconfigured to do other functions, I would like to return it to the factory settings. Thank you for your reply. I have a Fanuc LRmate 200iD 7L Master/Slave configuration that I'd like to separate into two stand-alone units. CAREER. . Now, mind you, I've only configured the bare minimum UOP to do just a few things for my testing purposes - IMPST, HOLD, FAULT_RESET, HOME, ENABLE, AT_PERCH. We can get "robot mastered" or "robot calibrated", but doesnt seem to save it. The tech rep said two things that that are going on. 1. Any help is appreciated! BEGIN WRITE('Connecting', CR) RetryConnect:: D'oh, I was trying to start the robot from an HMI but had it set to local. To fix this option not loading, I was thinking I need to do a software update. The robot won't accept . When phone support won't fix a problem, FANUC is never far away. Sys can't run Macro-015 MEMO-073 Program does not exist It appear when I try to move to HOME pushing SHIFT+H. Check for any logical signals that prevent robot movement under certain conditions. If the emergency stop is activated during the process, the robot can be stopped and stucked sometimes inside the machine. Got (6) robots to commission and they came in with the Profinet safety option but the cells are using H/W for safety. Port 7 on the switch goes to ENET1 on the robot controller. But it doesn't work. I move robot going to Position Hi, First thing to do is setup for PNS. ) Home. Disable SPACE FCTN on both robots. Anyone knows why whenever I export my "IO When did the robot last run? Tiger10 September 13, 2019 at 6:36 PM Changed the title of the thread from “R30ib frozen on boot monitor” to “R30ia frozen on boot monitor”. I usually run through a program in STEP mode to ensure I don't fire any outputs when i'm teaching points. (press F1 and F5 while putting power on, and then select init start) But i just realise today that the robot arm and the controller serial number didn't match with the declaration of conformity provide by Fanuc. It is a simple macro for gripper toggle that I have used for other programs that work just fine. Check if there are any physical obstructions that may be preventing the robot Hmm, now the robot won't let me jog it. With no AUTO, T1, T2 switch. Checking the position won't help you when you will have to reach the position anyway. We build complex processes by using small TPP as building blocks and One thing about this robot is that it won't reboot from the pendant -- you can select Hot or Cold or Controlled, but the pendant asks me to physically cycle power after making the selection. 11 DCSU - dual check safety UIF FIX DCS COUNT3 ALARM U528 DCS INVALID ZONE U577 DCS TOOL FRAME FIX U579 First, rename the . Check if the CYCLE_STOP UI isn't stuck to true. If there is no code then it is not installed and No you can’t figure out the PAC codes. make sure program select mode is "PNS" Under menu-> next ->System ->Config. If it doesn't the machine is not seeing the home switch. In the robot, ping its own address. They happen because a home reference position has never been recorded, which doesn't have to happen for the robot to run. However, on pressing F1 Controller: r30ib Using devicenet link controller with omron plc. I think we solve the problem. Just and FYI I think the RJ3iB robots and prior used NPN switching outputs and the RJ3iC/R30iA and R30iB are PNP. L73S with a safety partner. Verify that you don't have multiple mappings to the same SLOT. Unfortunately i can't plug directly the force sensor to the robot due the architecture choice. I woyld guess my situation won't change. I want to set some limits, just for being sure, that they won't hit something using robot in jog mode. dg: DCS:V2. FORUM; BLOG; CONTACT; Sign in. I got put on this during the first part of the build with a template, and the logic seems to be about 75% done. for the robot to alarm out SRVO-037 IMSTP. - Does the robot have Internet Connectivity option? Yes i can ping robot. Which prevent me from mastering. Thank, Connor If your robot is not operating near any machinery or if there is a lot of workspace for your robot or your taught path has no obstacles nearby and you know that your robot won't collide anywhere you can even disable Collision Detection. If you don't have the delay it will not reset always. Here are my settings, try to see if there's anything unchecked or checked by mistake. I have changed both the pendant and the pendant cable with no effect. Setting up a new cell using a LR Mate 200 ID, This is a pretty simple pick and place operation, with this being said what is the preferred way of creating a homing routine for the robot. I would like to use "user 2" button on the controller. I'm not sure what happened last night but I know that if you flip the air off on it, it throws the external emergency alarm, and the only way to reset it, is to rotate the table manually, and then hold it in position while someone else flips the lever to turn the air Anytime I get sent a new decision code in my PNS one of my robots doesn’t receive a cycle start from PLC bcuz I’m sending DO4=ON ive tried toggling it but it won’t stay off. You won't be able to delete the . My problem is that I made all the steps in PC Setup, I used the Internet Explorer 9 on 32 bit, I In summary it has been solved by putting the name of the PC in the router name and in the Host name the IPs of the ROBOT and PC with the same names. My company has recently purchased 14 R2000ib with R30ia controllers which have never been put under power. When we go into Menu/System then Master/Cal, nothing seems to save. 220 R-J3 FTP server ready. Add the PC address to the robot host list and ping it. To do so go to I am a high school teacher with a Lincoln Classmate Cell that has a ARCMATE 50 id 7L (LR Mate 200 id 7L) I took off the welding head and replaced it with a Schunk Pneumatic Gripper so I can have an extra robot running in my classroom. Switched to remote and everything works perfectly! Thanks! My Setup: We have successfully adapted an M710iC50S Robot to be able to machine parts from soft Materials. I want to send an E stop signal to the robot via my PLC. I am using the current version of Roboguide, and I have their standard gripper on my robot and I can't get it to work. ls files. My question is, what risks According to the Fanuc manual : "The interference prevention area function is a function that automatically stops the robot when a move instruction that causes the robot to enter the preset interference area is issued, the robot will stop if another What about coordinates? Almost all of the guys I asked told me that teaching the robot by moving it only by JOINT is the fastest since then only one axis turns. Call subroutine If I understand correctly you want to disable it from going home automatically and instead force the operator to manually move it home and don't let it run the program unless it's APSH-155 HOME position not recorded Cause: The HOME position has not been recorded yet. It suddenly freezes and the teach pendant won't respond to any interaction, even the communication between the robot and the PLC (modbus TCP) become unresponsive. menu_> setup-> Prog Select. Also, to Nation's point, Joint moves move the robot to that configuration (Turn numbers and also NUT) where a linear point ignores the turn numbers. If I press: SELECT, I can't found HOME TP program. What is DCS, and how can I use it? I found in summary. If i have understand your reply, i have to write the force value directly as an analog input to the robot and use the skip condition inside the Fanuc program. I have it setup with the robot as 172. Hmm, now the robot won't let me jog it. select zero position master and then select calibrate. Hello, The macro won't even start. The APZ bit of parameter 1815 has gone to zero for all these axes. If you hit RESET it will clear the faults and stay cleared. Axis home troubles- How does "home" actually work ? This on the Y axis of a small VMC vintage 1987 with Fanuc OM control. Replacement parts for the life of your FANUC robots. Dashboard; Search; Forum. i can't calibrate if i don't master before and i need to calibrate to be able to jog and i need to jog to remove SRVO-075. That the robot slows down but no so sudden that it lookes like an earthquake. I was able to traverse in the +X direction once to roughly the middle of the bed. now matches the software delivery sheet. I also found that I should try and do a For third approach point I am rotating my J4 and J5 in joint mode alittle under 90 degrees, then moving the robot in world to the reference point. So the reason to move the robots manually in "home position" My problem is getting the robot to move to the zero position. Then release P and Cancel keys . When the robot actually does stop and fault. Make sure that it is not open in any Background Edit instances Hello, i have a M70iC robot with a R30iB controller at a customer's location, i found the robot stuck in the boot screen. If successful, the robot port configuration is correct. Clear fault: If the UO FAULT is on, pulse FAULT_RESET. This doesn't seem to be working for me though. Hello, I am working on an application in which my robot (a Fanuc LRMate 200iD) is controlled by a PLC (via IO signals send to the R30iB mate controller). The address range listed (in the SUMMARY. The skip command can abort a current moving program with an ONLINE check of a DI right ? The Vac On program will throw an alarm if the vacuum feedback DIs don't come on. Mastering is usually only needed when your batteries die on the robot and you loose your angle to pulse counts and you get alarm SRVO-062 BZAL alarm or the robot does not go to an expected known position. ENET2 runs to ES1 on the base of the robot, then ES2 runs to an I/O card on the robot. I believe they stand for immediate stop, safe speed, and enable. Jogging it is no issue but the wire feeder won't work, it says ARC-207 until I try to change my weld equipment, at which point the error Hi, all, it's me again. Only warning that you shouldn't change them. If the code is there the option is installed. Also if your machine needs the home a Also, don't name your pod files very long (32 or more characters), or you will kill your ability to do backups. Studio 5000 v. And I need the PLC to tell the robot where to go from a predetermined PR(2) Pounce position. Many are robot specific,meaning their values depend on the type of robot that is attached to the system. Everything worked as expected. Unresolved Threads; Members. Trusted sites, sites to allow pop ups, the LAN settings, and I followed the EB that FANUC put out regarding R-30iA controllers and IE, adding the robot IP to the correct group policy. All it says is touch up but for a wait instruction that doesn’t make any sense. Hello, Just in case, before reinstalling ROBOGUIDE, go to the top menu bar and select TOOLS -> Option and go to the General tab. that's the first step I would take if my grounds were good and the hot lead to robot was good and like you said could feed wire. The alarms are reset except for the six BZAL alarms, the switch is in T1, the teach pendent is on, the mode is JOINT. Use I/O Panel utility (Menu > Tools), add the MAIN production program plus any sub-programs used and simulate a production environment. My robot is in gluing application, has hose with material attached to it and a tool, which doesn't rotate with 6th axis. Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source! Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here! pdl. Write all joint angles to PRs. 01. hello, I am a maintenance electrician. Reactions Received 253 However, if I put the max value for a signed int into a register, it uses scientific notation, and then won't be able to do integer-type operations on it, such as incrementing the value and comparing. Eshaal Beck November 26, 2019 16:22. We will look it up but I don't think the TP cable is the cause. the robots at my facility are mainly welders. I have Air hooked up to Port 2 on the Rear of the robot. Hello! We have a FANUC robot controller R30iB Mate Plus. Is that correct? Fanuc is just too slow to answer me. Not at the max integer value for a 32-bit unsigned integer, either. I'm curious as to whether this is a typical Fanuc behavior for some models, or if this robot is a special case. Hi everyone, I am new to Fanuc robot, the robot I am working on has 30ib controller. Little info for Stäubli Robots , if robot stops while the cycle is running, on Stäubli Robot's TP there is an home button and after you push the button robot goes home from anywhere even if the robot is between Hello, I am new to a FANUC system that has been unused since 2014. We have other robots but they are on 6. Since the problem started to show very gradually, all of a sudden the CRT monitor was not working, then I will come back up. Also if your machine needs the home a When running a program and hit feed hold or reset or what ever, We have to rehome X,Y and Z every time before we can run it again. Maybe this is not the case on older robots. The robot was not running for about 1 month, cable was secure. The robot needs to be mastered and then calibrated before you can run the vision master recovery. This is a procedure I have used to master robots when a pulse cable is replaced that has worked for me 100% without touching up points. The controller is set up to talk to AB compact Logix plc, UI 1 IMSTP UI 2 HOLD UI 3 SFSPD UI 8 ENABLE Hey Guys, I'm hoping to get some assistance with the current issue we are facing with our Fanuc CRX-10ia/L Cobots. Some of these programs are write-protected, and since they're KAREL programs I Hi guys, didn't know where to post this. I don’t know if you’re PAC will work for someone else. 127 and my AB compact logix PLC as Hi Laurance, The purge system is measuring three of the main parameters i. This is how I control my Fanuc robots in Auto with TP disabled, with my PLC. But! After picking the part, while the robot is returning to Home position, if I yank the part off the vacuum cups, nothing happens -- going by the Handling Tool manual, there should be a robot alarm, and the doMHFault signal to the PLC should be turned on. Which for me doesn't seem to be the complete truth since there are times that the robot moves faster if the point is tought on WORLD or TOOL. The FANUC robot parts you need, when you need them - normally delivered within 24 hours or less. hermann. Connect your tool on an angle on the endplate and update your toolframe. every now and then we get someone that removes the torch with the power off and moves axis 5. I have a used LR Mate 200iD robot and I am trying to set up an Ethernet IP connection. For origin I am moving to approach one then moving the robot up in the +Z direction and recording it then moving robot in +X and +Y. DIY-Robotics (Help Center) Community; Troubleshooting — FANUC; INTP Reloading these numbers won't help, the numbers are still there. It is a pity that Fanuc has introduced an improvement (Zero % Override) which only works partially. We are continuously running into an issue where J2 will get over 100% on the payload monitor DCS screen and our robot will lock up since the forces on it are too high and we are unable to move the robot at all unless we power down the controller and This robot was running up until yesterday and now for some reason it won't communicate with the weld equipment. Am I just stupid or is there something that I am not doing to make them work in a Robotforum - Support and discussion community for industrial robots and cobots I’m trying to edit a wait instruction and it won’t let me. The other day I noticed the screen was froze, I cycled power and it would not boot up anymore. We were trying to install the PAC code and there was an accidental power cycle after which teach pendant only displays black screen. You can see them under Menu, I/O, UOP. I am self taught on fanuc controller, looking for a way to send the robot home on a pushbutton. txt. Everything is set up correctly. I also made sure IE is a trusted app in This won't make sense to anybody unless you have experience with Fanuc robots, but here goes. Is it possible the 24V from the PSU is overloaded, therefore reducing the output by either failed component or harnessing short circuits. This is because I'm a Fanuc n00b, and been assigned to (along with everything else) come up with an "HMI" for a new Fanuc, for a customer who needs a really simple, never-touch-the-pendant interface. My question is, is there anything that indicates why it couldn't reach the position? When I look at the alarm It takes about 30 sec. txt files to . But I don't know how to do that. Fanuc Robot Forum. We also checked continuity through all of the pins Also check your DCS parameters. I've just written "move to PR [home position]" and it goes automatically over there. Hi all, I have been a lurker for a while since i had bought a Motoman some years ago. EE Connector - Won't Activate Solenoid. I can't count the times i've left a robot in step while trying to get the line to auto run . I should state the robot is part of an integrated industrial training assembly. You should then be able to run the program. Found this out the hard way. this throws a pulse coder mismatch alarm (or something to that affect, I don't quite remember right now). I've always using registers to back track out of an area of The robot that I'm using still has several KAREL programs from an old discontinued project that I would like to delete since I am running into some memory issues on TEMP. Now another problem arises, when I want to save the All Off Above in cmd I enter C:\Users\Jonatan\Desktop\AOA>ftp ftp> open IP_Robot Conectado a IP_Robot. (Do not hold in any other keys or risk loosing parameters, programs and more) Once powered up fully perform Zero I’m operating an anca fx5 with an internally mounted Fanuc lr 200iD. DG file) for Rack 85, Slot 21 is not listed in the IO config, so I can't delete it (I tried). Reactions Received 357 If this won't work for you for some reason, post what exactly you I got a problem with a Fanuc 200iC robot with R30iA Mate controller that doesn't operate in AUTO. Make sure it is not currently running. ME andy; January 2, 2015 at 11:22 PM; Thread is Resolved; ME andy. Regardless master and zeroing your robot won't do anything to solve your collision issue. This video will show the process for resetting you home locations on your cnc machines if your using a Fanuc interface. Its like it loses its home position. You need to manually jog the robot to line up all of the "witness marks". Hey everyone, We have a R-J3iB controller that is not making a connection with our TP that came with it. It would go through the process, but then get stuck half way through and show a white blank I'm sorry still new at this. We run a few R2000ib robots with R30ib controllers. We have an Lr mate with an r-30iB Mate controller. During the start of the system which is needed to be at lower pressure for starting the purge sequence. Have an IIS FTP Server running on Windows 10 - can FTP in through Command window etc. I am using a Fanuc LR Mate 200iC from school. Generally in industry, PR1 is used as the home position. It apparently won't roll over at that point, either. TP is off. If successful, the connection is functional. I move robot going to Home position has been lost on the right side X, Z, A, and T. In order to fix it, I had to mount an image of the robot, delete it from there, and reload the image. What is this data-type? But it works, at least in roboguide. I could use some help. For example, in Roboguide I was able to map a DI and a DO to the same SLOT. I already did that program in T1 mode and tested that it worked right. I am using a ARC Mate 120i with a R-J3 weld controller. (Measured it on timer, no guessing here. So for calling a program you can do the follow;Call programname(1,5) This puts a 1 in argument register 1 and 5 in argument register 2 We have a Fanuc Robot with controller R30 iA which is connected to s7-1500 Siemens PLC via ethernet, and we have some DI and DO declared but I was asked to make connection between robot and PLC via TCP/IP, because thanks to that we won't be limited to this few DI and DO, and we'll have a lot of available not physical registers which can be used Hello my beloved forum, I need to make some changes to a M-20iA/20M which is already working at a factory. The only Offsets it will need are X, Z, and Pitch (rotation around Y). As I run through my programs in RoboGuide and HandlingPro I sometimes get MOTN-018 Position not reachable- alarms, when in auto mode. 2. juxfm pvos uktj tfee bvdbs tdyqrp bsgk dkygq kol yap